Tierce Recette Applicative
For several years, the qualification of the applications is a major stake to ensure the good progress of the projects. The quality is an operational requirement assuring the continuity of the service provided and so the economic performance of companies.
Integrytis was requested from
its creation by its customers to take care of the functional and
acceptance tests of the projects carried out.
We thus built an approach before any pragmatics allowing to
take care of the realization of the various testing phases and to cover
at the same time the problems related to organization, process, method
and necessary equipment.
Integrytis developed a number of tools allowing in particular :
- To manage test campaigns
- To industrialize certain steps of the testing operations.
- To generate performing test cases thanks to the data anonymization and the automatic enrichment.

This knowledge allows Integrytis to suggest various types of approaches according to the size of the projects and the objectives to reach. Finally, this approach could be performed in the customer’s site or outsourced in our locals.